For Sale

2011 Audi Q5
19k mileage
Casa maintained
Asking price P1.9m
Tangent clarity 8. 45k

Psb synchorny one. 90k

2009 impreza hatchback 2.0r sport 36k mileage automatic

550k all stock

595k with
-copy ce28 with re002
-axleback hks legamax
-swift lowering springs
-focal and pioneer headunit

Tech Specs
SKU: 791901

Interface: Expresscard 34

Port: 2 USB 3.0 (backwards compatiable with USB 2.0/1.1)

Max. Data Transfer Rate: 5.0 Gigabits per Second

Compatibility: Expresscard 34 slot
Non-Storage USB device support is limited

Min. System Requirements:
Mac OSX 10.5 or higher (Mac OSX 10.9 support is pending),
Windows XP/Vista/7 32 or 64 bit.
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